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Fibromyalgia Gold Coast – Who Gets it?

Fibromyalgia Gold Coast residents tend to suffer from is a chronic syndrome with unknown causes. There are some predisposing factors that may cause this illness in certain groups of people, but some can also develop it due to psychical and physical trauma. The theory behind fibromyalgia is that it affects the way people’s brain perceives… Continue reading Fibromyalgia Gold Coast – Who Gets it?

Gold Coast Fibromyalgia

Fibromyalgia Gold Coast residents tend to suffer from is a chronic medical condition with distressing symptoms but one of the main symptoms is pain throughout the body. There are some treatments, but most of them are based on treating the symptoms rather than the underlying cause, as it is said that there is no cure… Continue reading Gold Coast Fibromyalgia

Fibromyalgia Gold Coast Tends To See

Fibromyalgia is a syndrome that can cause detrimental physically, socially and mentally. It can come with symptoms of pain in various parts of the body including muscle and joint paint. Symptoms of this syndrome are varied and sometimes hard to treat and they can be easily influenced by temperature, diet, lifestyle, and stress levels. Due… Continue reading Fibromyalgia Gold Coast Tends To See

Fibromyalgia On The Gold Coast

Fibromyalgia is a central nervous system disorder that can be described as having constant pain in the entire body. It is quite a common illness as it seems that about 2-4% of the population suffer from it, being diagnosed especially in women between 20-50 years old. People who suffer from this condition on the Gold… Continue reading Fibromyalgia On The Gold Coast

Fibromyalgia Gold Coast

There are many people who suffer from devastating fibromyalgia on the Gold Coast. A lot of people visit my clinic to get pain relief for fibromyalgia symptoms. Every single of them is a female customer by the way. When I ask them to tell me about their fibromyalgia symptoms, almost everyone says their body is… Continue reading Fibromyalgia Gold Coast