Fibromyalgia Gold Coast – Who Gets it?

Fibromyalgia Gold Coast residents tend to suffer from is a chronic syndrome with unknown causes. There are some predisposing factors that may cause this illness in certain groups of people, but some can also develop it due to psychical and physical trauma.

The theory behind fibromyalgia is that it affects the way people’s brain perceives pain, increasing their susceptibility and pain threshold while some specialists believe that it may be caused by biochemical changes in the body that are similar to those abnormalities during menopause. The pain caused by this syndrome is spread throughout the body and it also comes with various psychological symptoms.

One of the causes of this syndrome on the Gold Coast seems to be genetic predisposition and there is evidence in studies made on twins, but also high aggregation of the illness in patients coming from families where this syndrome already exists.

It seems that on the Gold Coast this syndrome affects more women than men (about 80 of the patients diagnosed with this illness are women), but there are no clear reasons why this happens, apart from some theories linked to differences in immune systems, hormones or brain chemistry.

Other studies propose stress to be a factor that leads to fibromyalgia, particularly stress from sexual abuse in childhood or adulthood. Stress as a major trigger is explained by scientists through the fact that the body has a certain response to chronic stress which can lead to several abnormalities, including this syndrome

Fibromyalgia syndrome can also occur, according to some specialists, from an abnormal neurotransmitter function such as hypodopaminergia or abnormal serotonin metabolism.  Other risk factors are related to suffering from a viral infection such as hepatitis B or C, HIV and AIDS. Some specialists noticed that it can appear in few patients after treating Lyme disease or along with endometriosis.

Depression is also associated with this syndrome, but there is little clear evidence in this direction; however, when it comes to psychological factors, there seems to be a relation between many psychiatric illnesses and fibromyalgia on the Gold Coast.

For example, there are similarities between the symptoms of major depressive disorder and this affection. There are also studies that show lack of sleep being one of the risk factors in this syndrome.

When it comes to physical trauma, it seems that neck pain plays an important role in increasing the risk for fibromyalgia, but also sudden trauma to the brain and spinal cord.

There are even theories that propose the fact that it can also be caused by a bacteria called heliobacter pylori or other intestinal bacterial/microbial overgrowth. Although evidence is scarce, with only a few cases showing it can be possible, this could lead to treating fibromyalgia on the Gold Coast. But until a leading cause is found, the causes remain somehow a mystery for the medical community.

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Gold Coast Fibromyalgia

Fibromyalgia Gold Coast residents tend to suffer from is a chronic medical condition with distressing symptoms but one of the main symptoms is pain throughout the body. There are some treatments, but most of them are based on treating the symptoms rather than the underlying cause, as it is said that there is no cure for this syndrome.

One of the biggest impediments when it comes to treating this syndrome is the fact that not many doctors seem to be familiar with it, having problems finding the right treatment, but also making it difficult to diagnose in some cases.

Easily noticeable when it comes to treatment of fibromyalgia is the fact that it requires a team approach. Usually patients need to be looked at by various health professionals such as: a medical doctor, a pain relief massage therapist and possibly a counselor. This approach is the best type of approach because it helps ease every symptom of the syndrome, from pain to depression.

Besides a healthy diet and lifestyle, patients with fibromyalgia on the Gold Coast are often required to take medication. Some of the most important types of medication are the NSAIDs, which means nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, which are used to treat any type of inflammation in the body.

They contain aspirin, ibuprofen and naproxen and help patients by alleviating their pain.  Another type of medication used for the treatment on the Gold Coast is analgesics, especially for those who have severe pain; some doctors will prescribe tramadol, acetaminophen, and even opiates.

However, most doctors refrain themselves from prescribing them for long term as they may have some harsh side effects. Benzodiazepines are also helpful for patients with tense and painful muscles and can also help them sleep better due to their muscle relaxant properties.

One of the symptoms of fibromyalgia syndrome is depression and doctors often prescribe antidepressants like selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors in more severe cases, and tricyclic antidepressants in lower dosages. They balance the levels of serotonin and norepinephrine that may be also associated with pain and fatigue.

Another symptom is mixed insomnia which leads to extreme discomfort and can be treated with zolpidem, zaleplon, or ramelteon. When patients experience insomnia, SSRIs are not prescribed because they can worsen this condition. There is no standard treatment with antidepressants for people suffering from fibromyalgia on the Gold Coast as doctors need to make an individual treatment plan because what can work for a patient may not work for another.

People with fibromyalgia also get symptoms like irritable bowel syndrome which is usually treated with tegaserod and alosetron. Fatigue can be either treated with SSRIs, with modafinil or sodium oxybate. However, there is no cure for the condition, but medical specialists are doing their best to find out what the cause for this syndrome is and at least come up with preventive medicine.

For the best relief for your Fibromyalgia on the Gold Coast, click and visit and discover who to see.

Fibromyalgia Gold Coast Tends To See

Fibromyalgia is a syndrome that can cause detrimental physically, socially and mentally. It can come with symptoms of pain in various parts of the body including muscle and joint paint. Symptoms of this syndrome are varied and sometimes hard to treat and they can be easily influenced by temperature, diet, lifestyle, and stress levels.

Due to the fact that fibromyalgia syndrome causes the body to be more sensitive in processing pain, it is usually the most common symptom and patients will even report different types of pain. It can feel like an ache, a burning sensation or sharp pain. Some people might have certain areas where they have regular pain, others may feel it through the whole body.

Pain is often felt in muscles as tense and it may also come with twitches. Another form of pain can appear around the joints usually neck, shoulders, back and hips, with mild to severe intensity, causing insomnia and even impending with everyday activity. Pain can be more severe in the morning and during the night, but also after cold exposure.

Opposing to pain, numbness can occur, usually accompanied by tingling in the face or limbs, facial tenderness, and the feeling of swelling, without the limbs actually being swollen. Migraines are also a big symptom of fibromyalgia on the Gold Coast and can interfere with a patient’s social and personal life since some episodes can even last a few days.

Another common symptom of this devastating syndrome is fatigue and insomnia. People usually experience decreased energy throughout the day, but also difficulty remembering or concentrating and overall a cognitive capacity more prone to fatigue.  There might be susceptibility to certain odors or foods, light and even noise.

When it comes to the mental symptoms of fibromyalgia Gold Coast can give you, the main conditions are anxiety and depression. Also, various psychiatric disorders have been linked to patients but also to their families. Patients may sometimes suffer from personality changes and mood swings that might interfere with their social life.

There are also gastric and digestive symptoms associated with this syndrome such as abdominal pain, bloating, irritable bowel syndrome or nausea. Also people on the Gold Coast with fibromyalgia might have abnormal neuroendocrine function.

Other less common symptoms are dermatological disorders, intolerance of alcohol, enhanced medication side effects, frequent yeast infections, hair loss and even severe premenstrual syndrome.

All symptoms might get worse with fatigue or increased stress but they can also be influenced by various emotional factors or hormonal fluctuations. Patients suffering from fibromyalgia with a hectic lifestyle on the Gold Coast might experience more severe symptoms.

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Fibromyalgia On The Gold Coast

Fibromyalgia is a central nervous system disorder that can be described as having constant pain in the entire body. It is quite a common illness as it seems that about 2-4% of the population suffer from it, being diagnosed especially in women between 20-50 years old.

People who suffer from this condition on the Gold Coast usually report having various symptoms such as: tenderness in the joints or muscles, joint stiffness but also headaches, depression, anxiety, and sleep problems as it has been frequently linked with various psychiatric conditions.

The causes for this illness are unknown, although doctors hypothesize that it may be caused by neurobiological abnormalities leading to impairment in the brain area processing pain signals.  However, there has been research for other risk factors that cause fibromyalgia such as: genetic predisposition, hypodopaminergia, stress, neck trauma, poor sleep or various psychological factors.

Although fibromyalgia Gold Coast tends to see can come with a wide array of symptoms, the most striking symptom is general pain throughout the body. There are some distinguishable characteristics of the pain provoked by this medical condition as it may feel like a deep ache but also as a burning sensation. It is also prominent in areas such as chest, lower back, neck, shoulders, knees, etc. and often patients mistake it for joint pain.

The symptoms can usually suddenly occur, especially in case of psychological or physiological trauma or they can progressively increase over time. Patients on the Gold Coast have reported pain to be mild to severe but they can improve their threshold by taking medication or using relaxation techniques such as meditation.

Besides pain, there are other symptoms that might affect patients suffering from fibromyalgia which can worsen people’s life in the same way the pain does. Common symptoms are: irritable bowel syndrome, long term and short term memory impairment, concentration problems, tingling, and numbness in extremities, nerve pain, frequent migraines, palpitations, and hypoglycemia.

Patients with this syndrome can be hard to diagnose as some of their tests can return normal and some symptoms may be confused to those regarding various rheumatic conditions or autoimmune diseases. However, people with a history of pain in their entire body that lasted for at least 3 months and affected at least 11 areas are to be taken into consideration when giving this diagnosis.

Unfortunately there is no cure for fibromyalgia syndrome on the Gold Coast, only symptomatic treatment such as pain medication and sometimes even psychological treatment like Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. The latter is focused on what makes pain worse or what produces pain and helps the patient manage their situation better.

People with fibromyalgia on the Gold Coast don’t have a higher risk of death compared to the rest of the population and can live normal lives if they learn how to manage their pain.

If you suffer from Fibromyalgia on the Gold Coast, click and visit to get immediate relief.

Fibromyalgia Gold Coast

There are many people who suffer from devastating fibromyalgia on the Gold Coast. A lot of people visit my clinic to get pain relief for fibromyalgia symptoms. Every single of them is a female customer by the way.

When I ask them to tell me about their fibromyalgia symptoms, almost everyone says their body is sore everywhere. They are taking medication for pain every day.

If you start your treatment with us here on the Gold Coast, soon you will find out that you won’t need a pain killer any more.

Fibromyalgia Gold Coast